South Dakota POA Club
Pony of Americas

The South Dakota Pony of the America's club March Meeting 

March 13 at 12:00 at Colton South Dakota Fire hall.  (Face to Face)

Pizza will be purchased at 12:00 and Meeting will start at 12:30.  Please let Bob know if you wish to eat Pizza.

Memberships need to be paid before or on March 13 to vote or hold an office position. Membership information can be found on the   

Please let me know if you have questions - 

Traci Olson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting 

Topic: SDPOAC March meeting
Time: Mar 13, 2022 12:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 918 5833 7560
Passcode: SDPOAC

Please let me know if you have questions

Traci Olson

​updated 03/03/2022